The best of 09' part deux


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

LPC's Top Nine Movies of '09
{in no particular order}

1. Up in the Air (for perfect acting/directing/music/etc)
2. 500 Days of Summer (I know, I *technically have to say this one because I worked on it but I still do believe it deserves to be listed!)
3. Avatar (for a bad ass female heroine!)
4. Whip It! (for the pure fun of it)
5. The Princess and the Frog (for the message)
6. Up (for knowing how to pull the heart strings)
7. Inglorious Bastards (for the tension!)
8. Julie and Julia (for MERYL)
9. Sin Nomrbe (for a first time director)

(*clicking on the movie titles will take you directly to the trailers in case you are interested!)

The best of 09'


Monday, December 28, 2009

As the last few days of 2009 quickly escape us, i'd like to spend this week reflecting on the best of the best. This week I will post my favorite top 9 of 09' lists and today we shall start with my first love in life, la musique. Check out my top 9 favorite album list below and if you were lucky enough to receive an itunes gift certificate in your stocking this year, you may especially enjoy the favorite track (*) portion. Happy last week of December and of 2009!

LPC's Top Nine Albums of '09

1. Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (*1901)
2. Miike Snow Miike Snow (*Animal)
3. Tegan and Sara Sainthood (*Sentimental Tune)
4. Regina Spektor Far (*Eet)
5. The XX XX (* VCR)
6. Yeah Yeah Yeah's It's Blitz! (*Hysteric)
7. Metric Fantasies (* Help, I'm Alive)
8. Passion Pit Manners (*Moth's Wings)
9. Dead Man's Bones Dead Man's Bones (*Pa pa Power)
{*Best Track}

Happy Holidays!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays!! I am at home in snowy Boston curled up by the fire listening to B's Christmas Mix from 06' (and yes, it still holds up!) with a stack of new books, hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and my adorable dog, Chloe! I hope all of you are having the loveliest holiday weekend (wherever you are) and I'll be back on Monday with some fresh LPC magic! Happy x 10 to you all!


Man Shops Globe


Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Monday, Children! So today I'd like to bring your attention to (what I consider to be) the most fantastic new show on the Sundance Channel, Man Shops Globe. Our host is Keith Johnson who in each half-hour program invites viewers along on an international treasure hunt visiting in out-of-the-way antique shops, private dealerships and craft stalls looking for one-of-a-kind home furnishings and accessories. Johnson travels to a new country each episode in search of fantastic and unusual decorative objects, furniture, and textiles all that will eventually be mass marketed at the-greatest-store-of-all-time and my personal favorite, Anthropologie.

Check out more information about the program here and set your tivo's to record as soon as possible!

Up in the Air


Friday, December 11, 2009

I have to be honest with you all: Up in the Air may be my favorite movie of the year. I saw it on Monday night and I can't stop thinking about it. This movie has the perfect recipe; directed by the incredibly talented Jason Reitman (director of Juno and Thank you for Smoking), a ROCKIN' soundtrack (must download track: help yourself by sad brad smith) and actors like George Clooney and Vera Farmiga ... you just simply can't go wrong. I rarely post movie trailers here so I mean serious business people! Go out and see it and let me know how you feel. It's a three hanky movie though, so make sure to bring some kleenex! Happy rainy Friday to you all!

Party Party


Thursday, December 10, 2009

eeeeee! i am so excited about this! urban outfitters has teamed up with confettisystem this holiday season to create an adorably festive party favor line! i am dreaming up the perfect event to decorate my home with these vibrant goodies! The party favors and decor include garlands, pinatas, confetti, ornaments and more...all in sparkling, colorful perfection. Check out the line here!!

in time of daffodils


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A sudden chill has floated into Los Angeles and I've found myself doubling up on layers of tights and cozy blankets. I know I'm supposed to have thicker skin being a girl from Boston and all, but California's consistent sunshine has gotten me addicted! Albert Camus once wrote, In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer, which I try to always remember even if the cold has got my spirits a little down. I have realized also, that I have never posted any poetry on LPC. So, let's change that! Below is my favorite poem by ee cummings. I hope you enjoy and in the depth of your winter (wherever you are), it brings you a little sunshine.

in time of daffodils
{by ee.cummings}

in time of daffodils(who know
the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why,remember how

in time of lilacs who proclaim
the aim of waking is to dream,
remember so(forgetting seem)

in time of roses(who amaze
our now and here with paradise)
forgetting if,remember yes

in time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend,
remember seek(forgetting find)

and in a mystery to be
(when time from time shall set us free)
forgetting me,remember me

Modern Love


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I am in love. With two things. The first is the band Bloc Party. The 2nd is La Blogotheque. Check out the acoustic version of my favorite B. Party jam, Modern Love. This song breaks my heart.

Bloc Party, 'This Modern Love' - Subtitled from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Give a little love


Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Monday, kittens! I hope you all has a fantastic weekend. I spent the weekend resting up after a hectic week and listening to the latest Rilo Kiley album, Under the Blacklight. I don't know if it's because it's the holiday season and there is some magic in the air, but RK's song " Give a little love" sounded particularly beautiful to my ears this weekend. Enjoy the song and some lovely images below! p.s. if you are feelin' even more in the gushy holiday mood, check out one of my favorite blogs that's all about . . . that's right . .. you guessed it . .. le love!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

friends! lovers! mes amies! i am so sorry for my neglectful week on LPC. things have been a big crazy with work and i'll be switching jobs shortly. it's all very exciting but amazingly time consuming. i'm taking the rest of the week off to get settled but will be back on monday with a FORCE! enjoy the purdy picture below. i hope it gets you into the holiday spirit if you aren't already. and have a kick-ass week(end)!!

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