The best of 09' part deux


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

LPC's Top Nine Movies of '09
{in no particular order}

1. Up in the Air (for perfect acting/directing/music/etc)
2. 500 Days of Summer (I know, I *technically have to say this one because I worked on it but I still do believe it deserves to be listed!)
3. Avatar (for a bad ass female heroine!)
4. Whip It! (for the pure fun of it)
5. The Princess and the Frog (for the message)
6. Up (for knowing how to pull the heart strings)
7. Inglorious Bastards (for the tension!)
8. Julie and Julia (for MERYL)
9. Sin Nomrbe (for a first time director)

(*clicking on the movie titles will take you directly to the trailers in case you are interested!)

The best of 09'


Monday, December 28, 2009

As the last few days of 2009 quickly escape us, i'd like to spend this week reflecting on the best of the best. This week I will post my favorite top 9 of 09' lists and today we shall start with my first love in life, la musique. Check out my top 9 favorite album list below and if you were lucky enough to receive an itunes gift certificate in your stocking this year, you may especially enjoy the favorite track (*) portion. Happy last week of December and of 2009!

LPC's Top Nine Albums of '09

1. Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (*1901)
2. Miike Snow Miike Snow (*Animal)
3. Tegan and Sara Sainthood (*Sentimental Tune)
4. Regina Spektor Far (*Eet)
5. The XX XX (* VCR)
6. Yeah Yeah Yeah's It's Blitz! (*Hysteric)
7. Metric Fantasies (* Help, I'm Alive)
8. Passion Pit Manners (*Moth's Wings)
9. Dead Man's Bones Dead Man's Bones (*Pa pa Power)
{*Best Track}

Happy Holidays!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays!! I am at home in snowy Boston curled up by the fire listening to B's Christmas Mix from 06' (and yes, it still holds up!) with a stack of new books, hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and my adorable dog, Chloe! I hope all of you are having the loveliest holiday weekend (wherever you are) and I'll be back on Monday with some fresh LPC magic! Happy x 10 to you all!


Man Shops Globe


Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Monday, Children! So today I'd like to bring your attention to (what I consider to be) the most fantastic new show on the Sundance Channel, Man Shops Globe. Our host is Keith Johnson who in each half-hour program invites viewers along on an international treasure hunt visiting in out-of-the-way antique shops, private dealerships and craft stalls looking for one-of-a-kind home furnishings and accessories. Johnson travels to a new country each episode in search of fantastic and unusual decorative objects, furniture, and textiles all that will eventually be mass marketed at the-greatest-store-of-all-time and my personal favorite, Anthropologie.

Check out more information about the program here and set your tivo's to record as soon as possible!

Up in the Air


Friday, December 11, 2009

I have to be honest with you all: Up in the Air may be my favorite movie of the year. I saw it on Monday night and I can't stop thinking about it. This movie has the perfect recipe; directed by the incredibly talented Jason Reitman (director of Juno and Thank you for Smoking), a ROCKIN' soundtrack (must download track: help yourself by sad brad smith) and actors like George Clooney and Vera Farmiga ... you just simply can't go wrong. I rarely post movie trailers here so I mean serious business people! Go out and see it and let me know how you feel. It's a three hanky movie though, so make sure to bring some kleenex! Happy rainy Friday to you all!

Party Party


Thursday, December 10, 2009

eeeeee! i am so excited about this! urban outfitters has teamed up with confettisystem this holiday season to create an adorably festive party favor line! i am dreaming up the perfect event to decorate my home with these vibrant goodies! The party favors and decor include garlands, pinatas, confetti, ornaments and more...all in sparkling, colorful perfection. Check out the line here!!

in time of daffodils


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A sudden chill has floated into Los Angeles and I've found myself doubling up on layers of tights and cozy blankets. I know I'm supposed to have thicker skin being a girl from Boston and all, but California's consistent sunshine has gotten me addicted! Albert Camus once wrote, In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer, which I try to always remember even if the cold has got my spirits a little down. I have realized also, that I have never posted any poetry on LPC. So, let's change that! Below is my favorite poem by ee cummings. I hope you enjoy and in the depth of your winter (wherever you are), it brings you a little sunshine.

in time of daffodils
{by ee.cummings}

in time of daffodils(who know
the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why,remember how

in time of lilacs who proclaim
the aim of waking is to dream,
remember so(forgetting seem)

in time of roses(who amaze
our now and here with paradise)
forgetting if,remember yes

in time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend,
remember seek(forgetting find)

and in a mystery to be
(when time from time shall set us free)
forgetting me,remember me

Modern Love


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I am in love. With two things. The first is the band Bloc Party. The 2nd is La Blogotheque. Check out the acoustic version of my favorite B. Party jam, Modern Love. This song breaks my heart.

Bloc Party, 'This Modern Love' - Subtitled from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Give a little love


Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Monday, kittens! I hope you all has a fantastic weekend. I spent the weekend resting up after a hectic week and listening to the latest Rilo Kiley album, Under the Blacklight. I don't know if it's because it's the holiday season and there is some magic in the air, but RK's song " Give a little love" sounded particularly beautiful to my ears this weekend. Enjoy the song and some lovely images below! p.s. if you are feelin' even more in the gushy holiday mood, check out one of my favorite blogs that's all about . . . that's right . .. you guessed it . .. le love!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

friends! lovers! mes amies! i am so sorry for my neglectful week on LPC. things have been a big crazy with work and i'll be switching jobs shortly. it's all very exciting but amazingly time consuming. i'm taking the rest of the week off to get settled but will be back on monday with a FORCE! enjoy the purdy picture below. i hope it gets you into the holiday spirit if you aren't already. and have a kick-ass week(end)!!

Gobble Gobble!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy loonnnng Thanksgiving weekend, my little turkeys! This girl's got a bad cold and will spend the majority of t-day weekend tucked into bed with chicken noodle soup, tea with honey and a VHS copy of Fried Green Tomatoes (all time favorite comfort movie!) I am hosting a mini-thanksgiving pot-luck feast chez moi and if I'm up to it will be taking a crack at preparing this . My favorite turkey day tradition is bundling up and taking a long walk with my family down to the beach in Marblehead, MA and I will miss that loads this year. What t-day traditions do you have? HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!

Meet Ms. Butterworth


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I had the pleasure of meeting up with my virtual blog-crush in person this past fall in a little coffee shop in Manhattan. I have been reading Lisa Butterworth's One Hot Child in the City blog for over a year now and have come to look forward to her daily sartorial wonderments. She was definitely a huge force behind me creating LPC and it was such a joy to get to hang with her in real life! Check out my mini interview with Ms. Butterworth (best last name ever, ain't it?) below and make sure to check out her blog as well!

Where did you grow up and where do you live now?

I grew up in Southern California in a little town called Glendora, east of Pasadena. If you’ve ever seen the 1991 Vanilla Ice cinematic masterpiece Cool As Ice (so bad it’s good!), then you know my hometown well (it was filmed there). Now I live in Brooklyn, where we have things like seasons.

Tell us a little about your blog. What inspired you to create it in the first place? What is your favorite part about blogging?

I have a really terrible memory (my boyfriend will gladly corroborate that story) so Hot Child in the City kind of started as a place to collect all the things I like: movies, music, day-to-day adventures, fashion, and style stuff. But what has become my favorite part about blogging is something I never anticipated: meeting so many other amazingly creative and inspiring bloggers.

What inspires you on a day-to-day basis?

It’s weird, I ask people that question in interviews all the time, but now that I’ve been asked, I realize it’s a super hard thing to answer! I guess I find inspiration practically everywhere, but often in the little things, like a girl’s crazy nail polish color that I spot on the subway, or some amazing paper craft in an Anthropologie window display, or an old movie I decide to watch at 4 in the morning when I can’t sleep. I also have a super pop culture–savvy boyfriend who tips me off to all kinds of things I should know about and am lucky enough to be surrounded by ridiculously creative friends and co-workers. The best thing about creativity is that it’s highly contagious.

What do you do when you're not blogging?

During the day I’m the associate editor at Bust magazine (holla!), so even when I’m not in the office working on whatever issue is coming out, I’m constantly on the lookout for awesome gals doing awesome things. I also love eating and baking and biking and reading and flea marketing and road tripping and daydreaming.

What do you miss most about Los Angeles?

In-n-Out? I kid! (Sorta.) I miss my family and friends somethin’ fierce but it’s been so long since I’ve lived in Southern California my nostalgia for the City of Angels is vague. Before I moved to New York, I spent six years in San Francisco and my longing for that lovely town is much more acute. I miss getting a morning latte at Ritual Coffee and watching dusk fall over the city from Dolores Park. I miss 2am burritos at El Farolito’s and walking to the GGB with my bf. I miss the farmer’s market at the Ferry building and the view from China Beach. I miss brunch at Boogaloos and record shopping at Amoeba. Somebody stop me! This could take hours…

I write a lot about music on La Petite Choue. Do you have any favorite musicians that you love?

Oh man, where to start? I’ve got my forever favorites like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan and the Velvet Underground. PJ Harvey and the Pixies and Radiohead, too. I love old girl-group stuff (Shangri-Las, Ronettes), and of course my brother’s band is awesome (Nodzzz!). Lately I’ve had Akron/Family, Bat for Lashes, Beach House, Thee Oh Sees, Brilliant Colors, and Zee Avi on rotation.

Your blog talks a lot about your favorite things. Can you give me your top 3?

Eep. And I thought the inspiration question was hard! I have a million “favorite” things and they change every day so I’ll just tell you what I’m loving right this very minute: pumpkin spice lattes, midnight movies, and my new tangerine Kitchen aid stand mixer. Oh, can I add one more? The Steven Alan flannel I’m wearing as I type this!!

What advice can you give to people who are trying to start up their own blog?

Hmm…just write about the stuff you love. Really groundbreaking advice, right? But it’s true, if you like something, other people are bound to dig it too. Don’t be afraid to dork out, either, that’s the fun part!

Ze Sainthood Winner!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Congrats to Ms. Allison for winning Tegan and Sara's Sainthood album!

allisonia said...
My fave changes, but one I LOVE is Mumford and Sons :)

There should be an equally awesome giveaway coming up soon. Keep your eyes peeled and thanks for playing!


p.s. Allison please leave a comment below with the best place to mail you the cd! Congrats!

Get some sainthood


Friday, November 20, 2009

LPC readers. Are you out there? I love you and I want to give you a present. I received a copy of the new Tegan and Sara album, Sainthood, from my favorite little music fairy. If you're either a super fan or have never listened to T&S before, you are in for a big treat. This CD has been in my car for the past 2 months and I simply can't. take. it. out! Leave a comment with your favorite band below to enter to win! I'll post the lucky winner on Monday. Good luck!

Inspiration Daily


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Here is today's inspirational photo which I hope will make ya'll smile as much as me. I would so love to be in the middle of a field at dusk somewhere with a sparkler in hand! Happy Thursday/it's almost friday. Check back tomorow for an awesome give-away!

Magical Thinking


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I love love love this poster more than words can say. I found it on Ms. Kate's awesome blog this morning. You can even buy it from her etsy shop!

This is going straight on my christmas list!!

Friday Give-Away Results


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Congrats to the lovely Rachel Morgan for winning the iluff greeting card! Rachel can pick any card she'd like from the iluff website. Rachel's name was chosen by an online random number generator.

rachel morgan said...
WHALE YOU BE MINE is so cute!

Also, there will be a special Buy 1 Get 1 Free promotion on the ilufflife website right now for all you LPC readers. Just enter coupon code: LA PETITE CHOUE during your checkout.

Clean White Love


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

As you may recall I embedded Lisa Mitchell's adorable Love in the Launderette video on LPC here a couple of months ago. Well, this girl is back and has done it again with her new music video,Clean white love. I want to jump right in, cut my bangs, wear flannel and red lipstick and dance in the rain with her!

Friday Give-Away!


Friday, November 13, 2009

Today I have the pleasure of introducing to ya'll the incredibly talented fairy-wing-wearing-card-making-doodling gal, Ms. Lauren Singer! Lauren created her own line of adorable cards, magnets and buttons and sells them via her ilufflive website. Lauren describes luff as something that's around us everyday. "Luff is love times love, squared. It’s all bits of sparkly goodness in life that make you giddy. It's one part love, two parts silly, and all parts fun. It’s the breakfast in bed, cloud 9,holy guacamole moments that make you wanna scream- “I cant find the words, but I think I found the card!” Side effects include: slight blushing and uncontrollable smiles." Well, said!

Lauren has so generously offered to give-a-way one of her amazing luff cards. Check out her website and leave a comment below for your chance to win whichever card suits your fancy!

Gone to Carolina in my mind


Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm off to Chapel Hill, North Carolina for Miranda and Tristan's wedding this weekend!Miranda was my roommate at UNC for my first two glorious years and Tristan was our next-door neighbor suite mate! Even though I didn't grow up there, North Carolina is sincerely where my home and heart is!

I can barely wait to get off the plane, run to bojangles for a bo berry biscuit, walk down franklin street and grab a homemade popsicle, walk through campus and visit with my friends who are lucky enough to still reside in the great state of NC. I hope you all have a lovely weekend! I'll be back on Tuesday!

Inspiration Daily


Thursday, November 12, 2009

This picture makes me drool. I think besides the obvious two extremely good looking people about to kiss each other, I love the sepia-esque blue and green hues of this shot. Plus the vintage Halloween masks aren't too bad either!

p.s. I'm thinking of adding a daily inspiration picture to my daily posts. Would this please you?

Happy Birthday to Balloon & Brettles!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yesterday and today marks two of my favorite ladies birthday's in the world. Ms. Jennifer Schreider and Ms. Brett Hammond both turn 25 and 26 respctively this week! I met these little lassies when they were 18 and they are two of the biggest reasons UNC was so fantastic and wonderful for me. I remember them throwing a joint Disney princess birthday party for themselves back in the day, and I can't help smiling thinking about what lovely women they have grown to be!

Luckily I will be able to celebrate with Ms. Brett this weekend while I visit Chapel Hill. We will have a piece of cake for you, Jen-Balloon! xoxo and lots of love to you both!!!

How to pack like a French woman


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ohlala! How to pack like a French woman is a tres important part of life, I do dare say. I stumbled upon this little guide on how to fill your suite case with les parfait items and les choses jolies. Indulge yourself below!

Clockwise from top left:

* A striped cotton shirt from Normandy, like Jean Seberg wore in Breathless.
* A cashmere headband* Classic black leggings.
* PARISIENNE perfume, naturally.
* Serge Gainsbourg’s sexy tunes.
* Bensimon sneakers (the French girl’s Converse).
* A Rhodia notepad, from Alsace, France, for scribblings.
* A pretty red bra, ’cause you never know.
* Julia Child’s memoir, My Life in France.

The Concord


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How yummy does this cocktail look? Thanks to my latest favorite blog eatmakeread, you too can make the concord at home for you and yours! Enjoy.

about 12 concord grapes, plus 2 for garnish*
2 oz vodka or gin
dash of bitters

1. In a cocktail shakes, mash up concord grapes with vodka or gin and bitters until grapes are completely mashed.
2. Add a few ice cubes and shake for about 10 seconds.
3. Strain into a dainty glass and garnish with a few grapes.
4. Voila!

*you can also use 1 1/2 oz concord grape juice

This weekend, in a few words.


Monday, November 9, 2009

This weekend was filled with many mini unexpected and lovely adventures; late night sushi at my absolute favorite spots downtown, R23, a surprise coffee date with Ms. B, a bike ride adventure with my one and only bike gang member around the sivlerlake reservoir (and with a stop at lamill for lavender infused lemonades, bien sur!!), cooking class at Hipcooks where I learned how to make the perfect raspberry lemon drop cocktail, a bottomless mimosa brunch at Los feliz' new hang-out Rockwell and an unexpected adventure to Venice in search of some vintage books! And mayyybe some pizza. Oh, and lots and lots of reading. Here are some Polaroids I snapped during these glorious yet few hours. I can't believe it's Monday already and I'm dreaming about what next weekend will bring. A happy Monday, to you all!

Ms. Lulu in her shades and leather jacket PRE reservoir bike ride! (you can't see the sole feather dangling from only one ear which was truly my favorite part of her outfit!)

Miche in front of some awesome graffiti near the beach in Venice.

My big pile of books I'm pillaging through including:

1. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
2. The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell
3. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
4. Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl
5. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Harakumi Murakami
6. Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey

P.S. The give-away winner is ... MF! Congrats on winning the Sweet November Mix. I am going to add on the songs everyone who commented suggested to pass on the music love. Please comment here with your address and I'll get the disc to you this week! Thanks for commenting everyone! xx

A friday treat!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Friday, everyone! Lily just forwarded me this amazing video of Cibelle singing " London London" with Devendra Banhart complete with flea market shopping, Mary Poppin's get-up's and rooftop dancing! Enjoy and enjoy your weekend!

"London, London" video by Cibelle feat. Devendra Banhart from Crammed Discs on Vimeo.

Sweet November


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To me November = Winter. Which in turn equals cozy music around the fire! I have compiled this Sweet November Mix Tape and will be giving away a free copy to one lucky winner! Leave a comment below with your favorite sweet November song and artist and I'll draw a winner on Monday! Best of luck!

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Blog Break


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's been a rough couple of days, kids. I'm gonna take a mini blog vacay today but I'll be back tomorrow with loads of fun stuff for ya! Have a good day!

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