Rosemary's Baby


Friday, October 30, 2009

Ok. So D*Sponge's living in a movie series has been my latest and greatest obsession. This month DS is featuring Rosemary's Baby which is perfect for the upcoming creepy Halloween weekend!

[image above, clockwise from top left: Arredoluce floor lamp $3600,coat of arms mirror $198, silk dress with lace collar $240, flokati rug $159, wool beret $13, mango radio $198, Thonet bistro chair $361, Kensington pram $1995, pearl earrings $22]

[image above, clockwise from top left: vintage wallpaper $57,flight base lamp $88, vintage nightgown, sputnik flower chandelier $2500, shearling throw , vase $40, coat rack $68, diamond necklace $542, tufted bench $1800, Repetto ballet flats $220]

Happy Halloween!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween, pumpkins! I hope your Holiday weekend is filled with trick-or-treating,jack-o-lanterns and bags o' candy! I am hosting a small soiree chez moi on Saturday eve and will be hosting as my all-time-favorite heroine (and best movie character evah!) Dorothy! There will be spiked cider, beaucoup de candy corn, a photo booth and a monster mash mix!

How will you be celebrating? Share on a comment below!



Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ok, I'm in love with this picture because I spend every morning struggling to untangle my fuscia tights from my halloween tights from my sparkly silver half-tights. This idea is genius and will allow me approximately four extra minutes of sleep time in the AM. Plus the color coding option ain't bad either. Happy Thursday!

Perpetual Paris


Thursday, October 29, 2009

How awesome is this create your own calendar photo hunt? I must make my own a.s.a.p!

To buy your own calendar visit little brown pen!

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am a girl of barter. The truth is I am actually just too dang poor to pay any of my friends to help me with activities one usually reimburses for. However, I do barter a ride to the airport for one evening of free dog-sitting, a photography lesson for a mix-tape, and most recently, a batch of these homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for my incredibly talented birthday party D.J ash-face ghost killah. (I just made that up. His D.J. name not how awesome he is!)

I found this recipe on a fellow bloggers website, and I really think the addition of nutmeg and cinnamon added the perfect hearty fall zing! The recipe took 10 minutes to whip up and I was done baking in half an hour. I highly recommend trying this out if you're a novice baker like myself. And a continued thank you to all my friends who let me get away with swapping food for favors!

p.s. this recipe is actually for raisin oatmeal cookies, so simply swap out the raisins for chocolate chips et voila!

a p.s. on t and s!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

p.s. The Tegan and Sara show last night was encroyable! The girls played their whole new album, Sainthood ( which comes out today!) and it sounds fantastic!

T&S mixed in some of their older tunes with the new, and ended the night with a petite encore and perfect trifecta (in my opinion) of Back in your head, Living Room, and Call it off. All in all it was a fantastic night and if you haven't ever seen these ladies play live I highly recommend it as they never fail to disappoint!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Halloween Inspiration


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween is my absolutment favorite day of the year and I fully support children and adults alike to dress up. A friend passed along this adorable Where The Wild Things Are costume. If I hadn't already purchased my ruby slippers I would be all over this!

Wild Things Wolf Pajamas, $145, Irongate Gallery
Feather Crown, $25, Etsy
Silver Nail Polish, $4.30, Essie
Specter, $3.79,

Monday, Monday, Monday


Monday, October 26, 2009

Tonight I will be heading to downtown Los Angeles to the Orpheum Theater to see a Tegan & Sara show and I can barely. wait. one. more. minute! If you aren't already familiar with this Canadian identical twin indie-pop rock duo, check out their new album stream on myspace (my favorite is Alligator). And because these ladies are one of my top 5 favorites, I have compiled a short list of T&S "must-have" songs to add to your itunes library. Enjoy!

The Tegan & Sara Top Ten
1. My number
2. Fix you up
3. Where does the good go?
4. I know I know I know
5. Living room
6. Not tonight
7. Back in your head
8. The con
9. Monday, Monday, Monday
10. Walking with the Ghost (Mylo Dance Re-Mix)

Unusual Dates


Friday, October 23, 2009

Ok. Honestly. This may be the cutest list of unusual date ideas I've ever seen. I could barely stop giggling while reading these and think all 20 of these sound like the perfect date or friend-date activities!

1.Go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you both can in all of them, compile photo evidence

2.Go to a major chain bookstore, and leave notes to future readers in copies of your favorite books

3. Have her dress up as a ghost and you dress up as Pacman. Walk around downtown holding hands, and whenever anyone sees you two, pretend to be embarrassed, and run off screaming “wocka wocka wocka.”

4.Create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn’t really happen

5.Dress up as superherous and stop at least one petty crime “ie. jaywalking, littering….”

6.Build forts out of furniture and blankets, and wage war with paper airplanes.

7.Try and visit as many people as you can in one night, and turn as many things inside their apartment upside down as you can, without them noticing.

8.Go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up, and stay there for a weekend.

9.Write a piece of fiction together. Outside at a cafe. Ask strangers when you get stuck.

10.Dress to the nines, pretend to be married, and test drive very expensive vehicles at an auto dealership.

11.Do the lamest tourist thing in your area that you have both secretly wanted to do forever. Have an unabashed good time!

12.In the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. Have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. Bring a sun umbrella.

13.Drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you’ve never been to. With fake names.

14.Go to a minor league baseball game under the stars. Tell each other stories about how bad you are at athletics. Randomly cheer for both teams. Eat lots of Cracker Jacks.

15.Go around the city with sidewalk chalk and draw hearts with equations inside on random things

16.Walk around a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras

17.With camera and pair of boots, make photolog of a day in the life of the invisible man.

18.Walk around the city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn

19.Go to a restraunt and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.

20.Rent a movie you’ve never seen before. Set on mute and improvise dialogue.

oooooo, chanel!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

I can't believe the Chanel Show at The Grand Palais and how beautiful it was! Check out the pictures below and feel free to gush hard core over the very special musical guest, Lily Allen!

The Shadow Project


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

As an omage to Brooklyn,(and cause I'm missin' it this morning),check out this adorable project started by Katie Sokoler who taped shadow people onto the walls and sidewalks all around Brooklyn. She then waited for people to walk by and took a picture at the exact moment they matched up with their the shadow! How cute!

Check out more photos here!

A big round of thank you's!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm back from Brooklyn and had the most amazing time I think I've ever had in NYC. I wanted to say a big round of merci beaucoup's to all my wonderful guest bloggers! How fun it was to get home late last night and see all of my favorite bloggers posting on LPC! I feel so honored! I also had the opportunity to meet with Ms. Lisa Butterworth (my total blog crush!) of One Hot Child in the City at a little coffee shop in Union Square. We discussed all things LA/NYC and had a lovely time! If you haven't already had the chance, please stop by my lovely g.bloggers websites to take a peek!

Ms. Lily of Big Bang Studio
Ms. Caroline of The Space In-Between
Ms. Marie-Eve of Lake Jane
Ms. Melanie of You are my Fave

An unexpected Halloween brunch is my fave


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Well hello, hello. I'm Melanie and I love a good party and any excuse to throw one. Although I'm not the biggest Halloween fan (I have a husband who refuses to dress up and no kids to force into costumes that make them look like a cuddly animal) I thought it would be fun to think of a Halloween party with a little twist. Since Halloween night is the time for festivities, what if you threw a brunch in the morning?

Instead of going with the black and orange color scheme you could go with white, green and a deep purple. White pumpkins, figs and other little colorful touches. A little bit of metallic gold would be nice too.


Then you could treat your guests with brunch goodies like doughnut holes, pumpkin muffins and french toast kabobs. Can you tell I love sweet breakfast foods?
Picture 1

And don't forget to give your guests a little something on their way out. You can download the pretty designs for these sachets here and wow your guests. Maybe you could fill them with something unexpected like clementine oranges. Or would that make you like the house that gives out toothbrushes while trick or treating?


Thank you for letting me visit for the day. You can read my thoughts and ideas daily over at You Are My Fave.

The classics


Monday, October 19, 2009

Hi there! My name is Marie-Eve and I write a blog called LAKE JANE. I have several things in common with La Petite Choue, including a profound love for the city of Montreal, so I feel right at home, guest blogging here this morning!

Lately I've been thinking a lot about how to spruce up my closet for Fall and Winter. It's not that I lack fashionable pieces but rather that I lack staples. I seem to always buy trendy pieces but have no basics to pair them with. I remember when I had the opposite problem so I switched it up and went way over board and now the trendy pieces have overtaken all the basics I had accumulated. Apparently I have an issue finding a middle ground. So now I'm on a mission to add in all those pieces which I deem to be "true cold-weather classics"; the kinds of pieces you invest in because you know they'll never go out of style. Here's my list but I'd love to hear yours too!

(N.B. -I've left out shoes, bags and t-shirts because this list would be wayyyy too long)

A good trench coat (this one is by APC)

A pair of black leggings (I like American Apparel)

A great pair of blue jeans like these by Current Elliott

A crisp white shirt (Banana Republic)

A solid black skirt like this one by Filipa K

A long sleeved striped shirt (Gap)

A black leather jacket ( I dream of this washed leather jacket by Mike and Chris)

And finally one long cuddly sweater (I love the Boyfriend cardigan by Steven Alan)

I Like Them Bones


Friday, October 16, 2009

Hello there, since Kate is out on vacation, she kindly asked me to guest blog for her. I'm Caroline and I blog over at "The Space In-Between."

So since Kate mentioned Dead Man's Bones in her pre-vacation entry, I must HIGHLY recommend it as well. I am a dire fan of Ryan Gosling and in all honesty, its not the reason why I'm recommending the band. They are actually REALLY REALLY good. A mix of a children's choir, some baritone, and some really great drum beats and you've got a fairly unique sound.

We just went to see them play last night and it was pretty awesome. The children's choir were dressed as skeletons and the choir leader head on a skeleton hoodie. Both Ryan Gosling and Zach Shields were dressed white button ups and vests.... pretty hot. i mean, i'm just sayin.'

(You can see me gushing more over Ryan on my blog, here and here.)
and thanks kate for giving me another venue to gush!

You Salty Thang


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hello pumpkinettes! This is Lily from bigBANG studio. While Kate's zipping around the big apple I'm guest-blogging at La Petite Choue for the day. Don't worry, my little crumpets, she'll be back later this week, but in the mean time she has a string of wonderful guest-bloggers lined up while she's away.

Kate's been my best friend since we bonded over a bag of Terra chips in the middle of a thunderstorm freshman year of high school. (Any gal who relishes a good thunderstorm over a bag of sweet potato chips is A+ ya-ya material in my book.) As most of you know Kate is a woman of many talents, but one of her supreme gifts (much to the glee of everyone around her) is her ability to make the *perfect* chocolate chip cookie. I've attempted to recreate it for you, this time adding a little sea salt for some pizazz. Kate's with me in thinking that chocolate + salt = a divine combination. Happy almost-weekend!


Preheat the oven to 375. Grease or line 2 cookie sheets.

Whisk together:
1 cup plus 3 Tbs all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda

Beat in a large bowl until well-blended:
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar

Add and beat until well combined:
1 large organic egg
1/4 tsp fine salt + 1/4 tsp fancy sea salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

Stir in the flour mixture until well-blended and smooth. Stir in 1 cup chocolate chips.

Drop the dough by heaping teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart on the cookie sheets and sprinkle a few course sea salt crystals on top. Bake, 1 sheet at a time, until the cookies are just slightly golden on top and the edges are brown, about 8 - 10 minutes. Let stand briefly, then remove to a rack to cool.

Bon appetite!

Don't be an accomplice


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This past Saturday I spent four hours running up and down the dirty streets of Hollywood Blvd. looking for ransom money to bail a Hollywood starlet out of a really intense kidnap situation. I took money from a homeless man on the street, got my picture taken by an Asian tourist and chatted with Perez Hilton at a cafe. No, I am not making this up. These things really happened and guess what? They can happen to you TOO! Accomplice is a Hollywood interactive crime mystery game and it's the most fun I've had in a long time. If you've ever seen the movie THE GAME (one of my favorites) it's like being in the smack-dab-center of it! You can have up to a group of ten friends participate with you and when you begin you are given a tape recorder, a unmarked map and a black bag with a combination lock on it. WHAT?!? Check out the youtube clip below to get more information and grab some friends and try it out yourself! You'll have a blast! P.S. Did I mention that Neil Patrick Harris aka Doogie Howser started this whole thing? Classic!

P.S. Thanks to Nigel for getting us all together to participate!

Raindrops on Roses


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bon Voyage, mes petites choues! I am Brooklyn bound today for a week of much needed and highly anticipated vacation time! I am sad to be leaving the first Los Angeles thunderstorm of 2009 behind me (hence this adorable picture) however I look forward to kickin' it back Rent style on the streets of alphabet city! There will be some *surprise* guest bloggers visiting LPC while I am away so enjoy, and have a fantastic week! p.s. If you have time, check out Ryan Gosling's (I ain't playin') bands' self titled album Dead Man's Bones. It's the perfect rainy day/it's almost Halloween/I want to be cozy kinda music!

Photo Shootin'


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I have never been much a take-my-photo kinda gal, however, I am in love with photography, graphic design, fashion and magazine photo shoots. A couple of friends and I came up with the idea to do a Nylon (aka the essential to life magazine) inspired photo shoot of our own. We didn't really know how it would pan out but we ended up having a great time and learning a lot too. I've had a handful of people ask me how to create their own on-the-cheap photo session, so here are the things I learned, found helpful, and hopefully will inspire you to create your own!

1) Pull pictures for inspiration. Decide what look you are going for; choose a theme, a specific location or specific costume piece. This will help streamline the process and keep you focused. We chose dirty punk rock ballerina. Here is one of our inspirational photos below!

2) Ask your friends to help out. I had a friend bring men's dress shirts and help photograph and another friend was in charge of hair and make-up. This allowed us a lot of time to concentrate on other things like clothing choices and props.

3) Pull out your dress up box! My apartment looked like an explosion of tutu's, converse sneakers and sparkly dresses!

4) Do not spend a lot of money. Here was our bill for the day:

- 5 Large Ice Soy Vanilla Lattes ($19.00)
- 2 Bottles of Andre Champagne ($9.00)
- 1 bag of dark chocolate m&m's ($2.99)
- 2 medium pizza's ($16.00)

Share clothes, props, everything! We didn't spend a penny on new clothing or fancy make-up. Using what you already have will take less pressure of getting the perfect picture and you will probably have more fun anyway.

5) Listen to music to set the mood! Our staple soundtrack was a mix of the WHIP IT soundtrack, Metric and the Yeah Yeah Yeah's.

6) Use (or borrow) a trusted friend's GOOD camera. In our case we used a Nikon D70s. We ended up taking about 1,000 pictures. After you're done taking them use iphoto or photoshop to play with colors and texture. Here are some of our finished ones below!

Many thanks to Colin & Taylor for all their help and to the people at Nicky D's for making our mid-afternoon pizza snack!

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