Grown Up Lemonade


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's getting hot outside people. And what goes better with hot than lemon + vodka + fresh mint? Check out this delectable recipe for grown-up lemonade from one of my favorite blogs, eat make read! Enjoy!

Grown Up Lemonade
(makes one cocktail)

1 1/2 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/2 oz agave syrup
2 oz vodka
5-6 fresh mint leaves

Place all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker along with 2 cubes of ice.
Shake vigorously for 15 seconds.
Pour into a glass.
Garnish with a lemon slice and enjoy!

Living Not Dying


Monday, June 28, 2010

I am standing on the seashore  ... A ship spreads her white sails in the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean ... She is an object of beauty, and I watch her until at length she bangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and the sky meet ... Then someone at my side says, "There! She's gone!" - Gone where? Gone from my sight ... She is just as large in mast and bull and spar as she was when she left my sight, and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of her destination ... Her diminished size is in me - not in her ... And just at that moment when someone at my side says, "There! She's gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming; and other voices take up the glad shout: "There she comes!"
And that is Living, not Dying.
        - Edward T. Sullivan

Only Love Can Break Your Heart


Friday, June 25, 2010

Coco Sumner (Sting's daughter) joins forces with Fyfe Dangerfield (of the Guillemots) to cover this Neil Young classic due to be released on brand new label Luv Luv Luv Records. This song never gets old to me, and this cover is close to perfection. Happy Friday to you all!

An Ice Cream Adventure


Thursday, June 24, 2010

So last night was one of those nights where one just needs 
an ice cream cone. And I'm not talking about any ice cream
 cone here, folks. I'm talkin' the good ole fashioned Foster's 
Freeze kinda-ice-cream-cone. The pictures below pretty much
 speak for themselves, and big thanks to my best boy pal, C,
for humoring my late-night indulgence! p.s. In case you are
craving a late nice icy treat, the nearest Foster's is in Eagle Rock
and was probably built in the 80's. If you're not into the Freeze,
other L.A. great ice cream spots include specialty gelato flavors
at Scoops, 1$ family cone night at Baskin Robins and the check
out the fantastic new red velvet cupcake flavor at Yogurtland!

All photos taken with the ToyCamera for iPhone. Mode: Random. Vignetting: on.

Fischer Clothing


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm loving the new 2010 fall line from Fischer Clothing and am simply dying to figure out where they had this photo shoot so I can move in!

Meet Jessica Sanders


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You know those hip new ipad ads on t.v.? Well, Jessica Sanders directed those. After she self-directed the Sony promo (featured below), Steve Jobs hand-picked her to take on full responsibility for the entire aesthetic of the ipad campaign. What's cool?  It's the very first time he has hired an outside person to handle an Apple campaign. What's cooler? She's an award-winning documentary filmmaker to boot. Check out her promo below! It sure won me over.

I'll Meet You in San Luis


Monday, June 21, 2010

Sometimes difficult things happen, and sometimes you realize you have really great friends who will throw you in a car, roll down the windows, turn up the stereo, and take you on an adventure to cheer you up. C & M took me on a road-trip up the coast to the quaint town of San Luis Obispo (SLO to all the local yokels). We spent the day thrifting in second-hand book stores, sampling the oatmeal chocolate chip ice cream at local bakery, Cowboy Cookie N' Grub, discovered Bubble Gum Alley and ended the day at Pismo Beach collecting shells and skipping stones. I am lucky to have such thoughtful and funny people in my life and I highly recommend taking a trip to SLO the next time you're itching to have an out-of-L.A.adventure.

Jenny & Johnny


Friday, June 18, 2010

Jenny and Johnny is Jenny Lewis and her boyfriend Jonathan Rice. The love carries over to the album art for their forthcoming I’m Having Fun Now. If you’re cool with PDA, they also have some high-profile shows this fall. I love how this album cover is a little bit of Grease mixed with a little bit of rock n' roll. Looks like you've done it again, sweet Jenny.

09/06 – Seattle, WA (Bumbershoot)
09/18 – Boston, MA @ Agganis Arena #
09/19 – Brooklyn, NY @ Williamsburg Waterfront #
09/22 – Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero Theatre $
10/03 – Hollywood, CA @ Palladium !

# supporting Pavement
$ w/ Superchunk
! supporting Belle & Sebastian

Music Philosophy


Friday, June 18, 2010

Music Philosophy is a weekly graphic/typographic interpretation of philosophical song quotes, created by British designer and avid music-lover, Mico.  Music Philosophy spans the gamut; with music quotes from Belle and Sebastian to the Beatles - from Sondre Leche to the Smiths.  And the coolest thing? All the posters look great as an iPhone desktop wallpaper, so you can download them for free on Mico's website. Which poster is your favorite?


North Carolina Love


Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Heading down south to the land of the pines
I'm thumbing my way into North Caroline
Staring up the road and pray to god I see headlights

I made it down the coast in seventeen hours
Picking me a bouquet of dogwood flowers
And I'm a hopin' for Raleigh, I can see my baby tonight.."

- Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show

Photo found via Darling Dexter.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Writer/director Sofia Coppola (and my own personal heroine) reunites with the film company with which she made the Academy Award-winning hit Lost in Translation. Her new film is an intimate story set in contemporary Los Angeles; Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) is a bad-boy actor stumbling through a life of excess at the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood. With an unexpected visit from his 11-year-old daughter (Elle Fanning), Johnny is forced to look at the questions we must all confront. Somewhere hits theaters on December 22nd, 2010. I may be first in line.

Tales from the Flower Mart


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last weekend I arose before the rooster crowed (OK - maybe it was 8 AM but still early for this girl on a Saturday) and headed downtown to the Los Angeles Flower Mart.  It was truly a remarkable experience as I felt sort of like Alice from Wonderland in her Willy Wonka of flower shops. I found blue roses, purple cabbage, queen Anne's lace and most beautiful flamingo-pink ranunculus which ended up gracing every nook and cranny of my apartment for the Pop-Up Art Show.  I do say, it is quite a privilege to go spelunking for flowers with friends on a Saturday morning, and I highly recommend visiting this secret downtown garden if you dare to get up early enough. Also, Note to Self: Bring $ - it costs only one dollar to enter but the flower stands only take that cash-money, honey.

Los Angeles Flower Mart
754 Wall Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Neighborhood: Downtown

Pictures shot with ToyCamera for iPhone. Mode: Random. Vignetting: on.

LPC birthday mix-tape giveaway results!


Friday, June 4, 2010

Congrats to the lovely Sweet Freak  (who writes an adorable blog discussing the sweet treats she finds from New York to Paris!) for winning the LPC birthday mix-tape!! Sweet Freak's name was chosen by an online random number generator.

Sweet Freak said...

Bonne Anniversaire! I'm happy to have discovered you, on the eve of your second year. :)

Stay tuned for more free give-aways in the near future! Thank you all for commenting!

Photo found via Unruly Things.

Sayulita, Heaven


Thursday, June 3, 2010

I have finally emerged from my Mexicoma (yes, that is a line stolen from SATC!) and am back to blog-land - but not without a little reminder of paradise! Below are some photos from my trip with B to Sayulita which was truthfully one of the very best vacations I have ever taken. We shared La Casita at La Playa Escondida which felt like the Mexican version of the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse. Imagine: no windows, matching queen sized canopy beds, a rain shower and countless fruit bats and lizards scampering about (but in a really cool this-is-nature i'm-not-scared-of-you sorta way). The pictures capture some of my favorite moments of our trip; the view from the infinity pool out onto ocean, a hike into town along the beach, our standard chiliquiles breakfast; a basket of Frida Kahlo inspired matches sold on the street, a dog we befriended while hiking and the popsicle hut in town where we splurged on icy treats! (B's favorite was mango chile and mine was coconut!)

* All photos taken by Bree Callaham.

Thank You!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mexico was amazing! I am back, a bit tanner and more relaxed and so g.d. thankful for my awesome guest bloggers who posted some really rad stuff while I was held on vacation hostage! Jordan, Suzanne and Natalie;  you ladies are exceptional and I feel so honored to have your blog-worthy love grace the pages of LPC. Please make sure to check out these fantastic ladies blogs when you have a moment!

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