Music Mix Monday


Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Monday. It's August. It's time for some new tunes and a new attitude.

cover photo via

mix made by moi.

Heat Wave!


Friday, July 29, 2011

it's been H-O-T in New York this past week and is supposed to continue getting steamier over the weekend. all i want is this stripey cool outfit, a refreshing drink and a homemade popsicle.

happy friday ya'll. stay cool!

images via 1/2/3/4

Steven Alan Fall 2011


Friday, July 29, 2011

I am addicted to every single piece of Steven Alan's new Fall Collection, especially that little blue dress up top. For all of you who like myself, love but can't afford this stuff, try the Steven Alan Outpost locations in Los Feliz/Upper West Side. I've found some incredible pieces at each store for half the price!

Down & Out in NYC


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

as tina fey would say, blerg. i am sick sick sick as a dog. i'm not quite sure if it is the change in weather, the constant recycling of the air conditioner or just being run down and not getting enough sleep - but i'm off to the doctor this morning praying for some antibiotics. so nyc sight-seeing shall be put on hold whilst i force myself to get sleep. thank goodness for cable television, the strawberry popsicles in the freezer and puppy scout (who puts her paw on my chest every time i cough). if anyone has any favorite sick remedies, please share!

photo via here

Brooklyn So Far: A Photo Journal


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Brooklyn is one hot city. When we arrived on Thursday it was 101 degrees. Kids played in fire hydrant rainbows of water (I thought that only happened in Spike Lee movies!)  Little Scout was very well behaved on her first plane ride (thank goodness for the empty seat next to us!) and only barked once (at a kid who was picking his nose = allowed!) It's really a fun an interesting experience, house swapping. You walk into an apartment and have no idea what to expect while someone else across the country is walking into your place. I lucked out big time though; we are staying in an incredible artist loft in Williamsburg right on the water. There is lots of room to throw toys for the pup as well throw down a yoga mat or host a dinner party. I feel very lucky to be in such a wonderful space. I've spent the past days getting to know the burg .... brunch at the infamous Egg, dinner at Pies' n'Thighs which consisted of an 100% yellow meal: corn bread, mac n'cheese, and fried chicken. It was a heart-attacker but DELICIOUS. I also discovered some amazing bars; the Hotel Delmano (perfection - it's like Havana in the 70's), Nita Nita (orange julius shots anyone?), Pete's Candy Store and a whiskey bar that serves shots with pickle juice chasers (sounds disgusting but is delicious, trust me!) Diner for dinner (perfection), Milk  Bar for crack pie and the old fashioned ice cream truck every evening (oops). Lots of walking and exploring and dog parking and making new friends! Up this week; a trip to Connecticut to shadow a theater director, a visit to the Met, a secret bar that you get to through a telephone booth and lots of friendly reunions. In short, New York, I love you.

p.s. Honestly, the saddest news about the passing of Amy Winehouse. Here's a really lovely note about her from her good friend Russell Brand that I whole heartedly agree with.

Photos: Scout in her first cab/Diner for Dinner/Walking at Sunset/Happy hour at Hotel Delmano/Manhattan skyline view

No Sleep Till Brooklyn!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Today I head to the airport to board the airplane that will take me and Scout to New York City for the rest of the summer. I have always felt that everyone should live in New York when they are young and poor enough to enjoy and appreciate how magical a city it is. So, without further ado, here's to meeting new and interesting people, to discovering new things, to getting into trouble, to staying up late. to partaking in too much moonshine, and most importantly to having many many a new adventure. We'll catch you on the east coast!

p.s. on that note, check out these awesome posters from this awesome website.

Little Boxes


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My glorious little worlds are colliding! The sensational Jenny Lewis is singing a rendition of the Weeds intro song, "Little Boxes". Check out the jingle here!



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do yourself a favor; Go see Mike Mills' latest and greatest film, Beginner's, TODAY.  It is by far my favorite movie of the year. Reasons: It is shot locally (i.e. in Silverlake and Los Feliz). It features the handsome Ewan McGregor and the ever so charming Melanie Laurent (SHOSHANNNNNA!!!). There is a dog that talks (sort of). And It will make your heart ache in all the right places. Check out the trailer here. Enjoy!

Favorite Things Series: Emmadime


Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Monday! We're back again with the favorite things series with one of my favorite bloggers! Ms. Emma Ann Robertson of Emmadime is both a talented knitter and a graphic designer and has one of the most adorable blogs around. She posts about her favorite things and has lots of great inspiration, too! Read below to learn a little bit more about her! I'm sure you'll find her as charming a I do!

emma's favorite things

1.Film - I feel like my taste is always changing in this area! Right now, I am loving Wendy and Lucy - beautifully filmed and such a real story. Michelle Williams (the lead) has really captured my interest as an actress lately! I recently saw Saint Elmo's Fire for the first time ( major 80's flick ) and LOVED it. I love french films too - don't get me started on that list...

2.Book - I recently finished reading 'A Moveable Feast' by Ernst Hemingway for the 3rd time - It reminds me of my time spent in Paris, France. I am about to start WALDEN by Henry David Thoreau - Kinfolk Magazine inspired me to read it. Their first issue launched this past week and it was filled with great quotes from the book*

3.Day - uh.... there are so many to choose from :) When I was in college, I got an internship at Teen VOGUE - it was pretty exciting* I jumped up and down like a 4 year old!! ha.

4.Food - O gosh. I love a few dishes sooo much that i could probably just live off of them forever. Yellow Curry is definitely on the top of the list! I also have a major love for french treats after having lived there for a while... breads & baguettes, cheeses, fois gras, pain aux raisins, red wines & champagne, etc etc....

4.Libation - I used to drink whiskey & coke - now I have moved on to red wine or champagne :) Gotta love the bubblies**

5.Album - Today it's ELLA FITZGERALD & LOUIS ARMSTRONG - Classic Collection.

6.Clothes - I wish I had more time and money to play in this area... Madewell has made a huge impression on me! Just LOVE what they have been doing lately :)

7 & 10.Band - Oh Land has been rocking world. Other Lives new album - Tamer Animals. and..... The Civil Wars.

8.Place - It's hard to put my finger on one, but... some of my most memorable life experiences happened in Alabama (I grew up every summer on the Alabama beaches), Oklahoma (I went to school here - the small town of Stillwater will always hold a small place in my heart), Paris (I WILL live here again - every night is the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen).

9.Smell - I have worn Vera Wang Princess for a while now... but I just switched over to Poppy by Coach - it's so sweet and fruity!

11.Person - I can't seem to get enough of Bri Emery. She has been such a bundle of inspiration to me as a graphic designer, creative female, friend - I could go on and on...

12.Blogs - Of coarse La Petite Choue - duh. Also, my friends/bosses over at Rue Magazine all have pretty incredible blogs!

thanks for participating in the favorite things series, ms. emma!

Pinterest Friday Favorites!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Friday! This week was a busy one. I have a lot to do this weekend in preparation for taking off to NYC next week, but in the meantime, here are some favorite pinterests from this week. Enjoy and happy weekend!

1. Love this packaging from espresso bar One Tree Coffee Co. in Newcastle!

2. The perfect summer outfit.

3. Courage + Hot Pink = Bliss. Buy the poster here.

4. I love the idea of having a music mix of your favorite love songs to give the guests at your wedding (or any party for that matter!)

The Civil Wars


Friday, July 15, 2011

Have you guys heard of the Civil Wars? I love them. They sound like a cross between Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova (that adorable singing couple from Once) and Angus & Julia Stone. I'm addicted to their song, Poison & Wine. Check it out below!



Thursday, July 14, 2011


_ _ _ _ _ _

one week till brooklyn.
can't wait to catch the new art in the streets exhibit at MOCA tomorrow.
taking dance classes at atwater villages' heartbeat house and loving it (80s dance party? - yes please!)
listening to adele adele and more adele, and dabbling in old LCD soundsystem albums
nectarines and strawberries and banana milkshakes.

photos via here

Riding on bikes with skirts


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wowza. Did you guys hear about the NYC police officer who pulled over the dutch tourist recently; a cute gal wearing a dress on a bike, who told her she was too distracting to cars? She thought he was kidding at first but realized quickly he was serious when he asked for her ID! So a bunch of gals and guys in NYC this past week gathered in a little fun protest for a skirt bike ride throughout new york. Check out some photos below! I only wish I could have been there!

photos via here

Friday Favorites


Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Friday and long weekend everyone! I'm happy to report that I've been sugar free for 5 days straight! For those of you who mentioned that they wanted to try it, my best advice is to 1) keep lots of fruit on hand (my favorites are tangerines, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and grapes)  2) whenever you have a craving have a cup of water first (usually cravings mean you are thirsty 3) when the craving continues, get up and do something (take a walk. wash  your dishes. play with your puppy) and I find in about 15 minutes the craving is gone. I have to say I feel so great that I'm going to do it for one more week! Thank for all your support!

Above are my favorites from around the web this week! Enjoy and have a great holiday weekend!

1. Etsy mason jar lamp
2. Creature Comfort's Blueberry Ice Cream recipe
3. Design Sponge's outdoor movie party

A new holiday!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Did you know that today was international walkman day?!? Me neither but I love it!

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