rent, Rent, R*E*N*T, ReNt, RENT!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh my goodness, everyone. Producing and directing a 15-person rock opera is HARD! WORK! Apologies for lack of posts on LPC,  but I've been clocking 18 hour days for the past few weeks with work and RENT and every wakening free moment usually goes to Scout or Sleep! Below is a clip from our very first sing-through for our production!  Our actors are so talented and lovely and I feel so lucky to be working with them!

Rent: Downtown LA - 1st Sing Through - Seasons of Love from Rent: Downtown LA on Vimeo.

Thank you for your patience. Daily posts will begin back up soon, I swear it!

Food Glorious Food


Monday, March 21, 2011

Morning and heads up! I have a new addiction! Angela Hardison's blog documents photos of her raw diet which have convinced me jump aboard the healthy train instead of popping pieces of chocolate all day long (12 pieces is totally fine because it's dark chocolate, right?) Anyway, pop on over to Angela's blog to check it out!

Dancing in the Moonlight


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Famous author and novelist, Pearl Cleage, really knows what she's talking about here in this excerpt from her novel, What Looks Like Crazy.

Music Monday: Jessie J


Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Monday! Have I got a treat for you! Jessie J is a 22-year-old sassy gal from Essex with some mad pipes. On a typical day in the Times Square subway, Jessie set up a boom box and ripped her track Who you are for some lucky lucky civilians. Jessie J is expected to release her debut album this Spring. Check it out below!

Loving These .....


Friday, March 11, 2011

Can't get artist Shonna Heath's set designs out of my head .... they are so magical - I just want to climb in and stay awhile ...

**  My little brother is currently in Guam (and thankfully safe & sound) but my heart goes out to all those with family and friends in Japan right now. An easy way to help out is by texting: REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.

Currently ...


Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's not right. It's not fair!


Monday, March 7, 2011

You guys, I have to say, this weekend was rough. I was sick as a dog with a bad cold and I had my car broken into and purse stolen. I am equally annoyed about having to replace everything in my bag as I am just plain angry, however, I have tried to put everything into perspective: I am safe. Scout is safe. My ipod, wallet, checkbooks, numerous Christmas gift cards, rayban sunglasses, mail and favorite book are just possessions and can be replaced. And because this blog is not a platform to complain, I'll spare you and just say to everyone out there reading this the obvious to please learn from my mistake: never ever leave your purse in your car. Not even for a minute. I was only gone for sixty seconds picking up Scout and the perps were there and gone in that small amount of time. And locked doors do not count here either, people. Mine were locked solid and that didn't stop them from chucking a brick through my window.

Ok, 2011 .... stop testing me! You promised you'd be better!

*Music Monday will be back next week in full swing. If you're ailing for some new tunes right this second, check out (if you haven't already) Adele's new album, 21. It's a killer.

Image via cdryan

Kid n' Play


Friday, March 4, 2011

love these pictures of cute cute kiddos doing cute cute things!

Scenes from February


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Here are some photos I've snapped during these past few weeks and keep forgetting to post. I'm in smack in the middle of callbacks for my show (casting is hard work, people!) and just picked up that nasty cold I've been trying to ward off for a month now. C'est la vie. Enjoy the photos and your weekend!

Favorite Things: Color Collective


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hi Guys! We're back again with The Favorite Things Series with one of my favorite bloggers! Ms.Lauren Willhite of Color Collective hails from Portland, OR and has created a website that is used as a designers' resource for color. Lauren pulls color from the hippest fashion photographs and images. She makes art seem like a science and I'm constantly in awe of how inspiring her website is! Check out her favorite things below and pop over to her blog to learn some more about her!

lauren's favorite things

Indian food! I could eat it every day of my life—for real.

The Sound of Music! A classic, and my favorite—always.

Red wine. Usually Cabernets.

I go in spurts with reading. Usually I’m too preoccupied on my computer or watching a television series. But I do love to sit down with a good book and a cup of tea when it’s cold outside! I can’t think of a favorite, but soon I will be reading the Harry Potter series and I have a feeling that I’m totally going to geek out over those.

My taste in music changes all the time, but one thing that will never change is my belief that Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd) is the best album of all time.

A day on the beach, with nothing to do but relax.

 I’ll have to go with Marc Jacobs and Chanel.

Way too hard! I like everything from Kanye to Taylor Swift!

I subscribe to over 500 blogs, and to pick a favorite is absolutely impossible for me! Some blogs I visit often off the top of my head are Frolic!, Lawn Party, Pattern Observer, Design for Mankind, The Jealous Curator and of course La Petite Choue!

Portland (where I live). It’s a beautiful city with a great sense of community. People are friendly and laid back. Summer days are the best and I fill them with lots of bike rides and berry picking.

My husband, Matt. My bff.

Lavender. I can’t get enough of it.

Thanks so much for participating in The Favorite Things Series, Lauren!

Loving these ....


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Spring 2011 Line by Heidi Merrick ....

What does your tea time look like?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oooo! I just stumbled across the most delicious website this afternoon! What does your team time look like? is a project for tea lovers everywhere to share how they enjoy their tea times. Their goal is to create a lovely gallery of what "tea time" looks like and showcase all the interesting ways in which it is enjoyed. They invite everyone to submit a photo (cue to total crazy tea photo shoot at my place this weekend!) Aren't the photos below just dreamy?

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